Meet EcoVibe's Henrietta - EcoVibe

Meet EcoVibe's Henrietta

In September, we were thrilled to welcome our latest team member Henrietta to the EcoVibe family. As our assistant buyer, Henrietta joins Amy and Shannon in our trade team, liaising with our suppliers to negotiate our cost prices (so we can make our fabulous products as affordable as possible for you!) and keeping an eye on our stock levels so we can keep your eco essentials in stock so you don't need to resort to the less sustainable alternatives.

We asked her a couple of quick questions...

Your own personal thing you do for the environment

Recycle where I can, I help to make re-usable shopping bags (boomerang bags).

Your fav eco swap

Beeswax wraps

(Psst! You can check out our beeswax wraps collection here!)

Your fav eco-tip

After using all basil plant leaves don't discard the plant, water it and keep it in sunlight (or a green house) and allow the leaves to re-grow

Something you enjoy doing in your free time

Pre-covid: going to festivals (so upset about glasto) and hanging out with my friends. Current covid: Yoga.


Want to meet the rest of the team too? Check our our Meet the Team page!

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