The Bags are Back (and Better than Ever!) - EcoVibe

The Bags are Back (and Better than Ever!)

We’re so excited to share with you that our fabulous biodegradable, compostable poo bags are now back in stock – and better than ever! We’ve been working on some updates which means not only are they truly biodegradable and compostable with a super low carbon footprint – as always – but now they’re even stronger, and sturdier too with a darker pigment to cover any nasty poop sights.

EcoVibe Compostable Poo Bags

Why our new bags are the best

Our compostable alternative to plastic bags aren’t just better for the planet, but also better for our fantastic pet owners too! But why so fantastic you might ask – after all, we’re just picking up poo?

Well, our new bags are super-duper strong and durable. This means absolutely no need to double-bag or switch to toxic plastic alternatives, meaning less cost to you and less impact on the environment. We’re super proud to provide a bag you can trust in and feel confident using, all while using as few resources as possible.

What’s more, our fabulous updated version has extra dark pigment added, so there’s no more unpleasant poo sights! But don’t worry, even the water-based ink is certified compostable and is low in chemicals, meaning it’s safe in soil.

EcoVibe Compostable Poo Bags

That’s not the only eco-change we’ve made. The ink we use for printing on the bags is dried with LED lights, which use significantly less power than conventional ultraviolet lights. Even better still, our bags are made in a factory powered by 100% renewable energy, where power is provided by coastal wind! The factory is even certified ‘zero emissions’ as it cleans and recirculates all water used in bag production. Our factory also re-use all their waste material. Any scraps of bag material are melted together and used to produce even more bags, meaning absolutely nothing is wasted – how cool is that!?

Why we need compostable poo bags

According to a recent survey, 26% of UK households own a dog. That's over 7 million owning at least one dog. If every dog owner used plastic dog poop bags to pick up after their dog, even at a low estimate, that's nearly 8 BILLION plastic bags going to landfill every year. Plastic bags that will remain in landfill or our oceans for thousands of years before breaking down into micro plastics, which are hugely damaging to land mammals, our marine wildlife and humans too.

EcoVibe Compostable Poo Bags

Everything we’ve achieved together so far

Just last month, we celebrated our first birthday. Since EcoVibe’s been up and running, we’ve prevented a whopping 4.32 tonnes of plastic being used, of which poo bags made up a huge portion. In fact, in just over a year we’ve replaced over 601,000 poo bags and we couldn’t have done it without you. We just wanted to finish off this blog with a huge thank you to everyone who’s made the swap to compostable poo bags so far and hope you’re looking forward to trying our new and improved version too!

Our new compostable bags are available from £4.99 here.

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