Top 5 Easiest Eco Swaps - EcoVibe

Top 5 Easiest Eco Swaps

Looking to take your first steps to live more sustainably? Nice one, we’ve got your back! With a growing demand for more environmentally-friendly choices, there are lots of places you can get started – which is great! But we know from our own experiences that with so many options available, the eco-world can feel a bit intimidating at times.

So, we’ve drawn up a list of the simplest sustainable swaps you can make, that can have the biggest impact on the environment and smallest impact on your day-to-day lives. Check out our top 5 easy eco swaps. 

EcoVibe Compostable Sponge

1. Kitchen Sponge →  Compostable Sponge

Saves: Plastic, carbon emissions

Most common kitchen sponges are made from plastic and can’t be recycled or composted. While we might only use them for a few weeks before throwing them away, they take hundreds of years to break down and when they do, contribute to the microplastic problem.

Plant-based cellulose sponges like ours are made from redundant wood fibre that’s been harvested in Germany for other purposes. They’re fully biodegradable and go through a much less toxic manufacturing process than their plastic counterparts.

Shop our Compostable Sponges for £3.99.

Compostable Bin Liners

2. Plastic Rubbish Bags → Biodegradable Compostable Bin Liners

Saves: Plastic, carbon emissions

Classic black bin liners are made from petroleum or natural gases, both of which are non-renewable and once created cannot decompose naturally, taking anywhere from fifteen to a thousand years to degrade.

Our biodegradable compostable bin liners are made from corn starch and plant oils that are ethically and sustainably grown from GMO-free crops. The factory that makes our bags is fully powered by renewable wind energy. The bags break down in much the same way as a twig and are certified for industrial composting too.

Our Biodegradable Compostable bin liners are available sizes 7L, 30L and 50L from £4.99.

Bamboo & Sugarcane Toilet Roll

3. Toilet Roll → Bamboo & Sugarcane Toilet Roll

Saves: Deforestation, plastic packaging, chemicals

It takes around 20 to 30 years for forests to grow before they’re chopped down for single-use toilet toll. With 27,000 trees being chopped down every day, toilet paper severely contributes to deforestation.

By swapping to toilet paper made from more sustainable, low-impact and fast-growing materials like bamboo and sugarcane, you can help save trees. Our toilet paper is also packaged in 100% biodegradable, recyclable and plastic-free materials, and is allergy-sensitive, with no inks, fragrances, or chlorine bleaching.

Get your Bamboo & Sugarcane Toilet Roll for £3.29 for 4 rolls.

EcoVibe Cleaning Sachets

4. Cleaning Products → Plastic Free Soluble Cleaning Sachets

Saves: Carbon, plastic, chemicals

The stats show that the average person uses around 30 plastic bottles of cleaning products a year, and with household favourites usually packed with toxic chemicals, this is bad for both our health and the environment. But who wants to be average?

Our plastic-free cleaning sachets are an amazing way to reduce your household plastic. You just pop the soluble sachet into an old container (or shop our reusable glass bottles), add water, shake and voila! They’re also kind on the environment, with no harmful chemicals and up to 70% natural ingredients, all of which are 100% vegan and cruelty-free too!

Available in sets of 5 for £9.99. Get your Plastic Free Soluble Cleaning Sachets here.

EcoVibe Reusable Makeup Remover Pads

5. Cotton Pads → Reusable Makeup Remover Pads

Saves: Water, chemicals, waste, plastic

Cotton may be a renewable resource, but it can take up to 20,000 litres of water to produce just 1kg of cotton – that’s about the same amount as 15-20 packs of cotton rounds. On top of that, they don’t biodegrade due to the bleaching and mixes processes used to make them, adding to the planet’s already huge waste problem.

By choosing reusable makeup remover pads instead, you can reduce the amount of water (as well as chemicals, pesticides, and fertilisers) needed to produce your cleaning pads. They’ll last a very long time, but when you feel it’s time for a replacement, you can recycle the old ones at your nearest clothing and textile facility. Plus, by swapping to reusable makeup remover pads, you can also reduce the amount of plastic packaging waste you produce too!

Our Reusable Makeup Pads are currently on sale for £12.49, reduced from £13.99. 


We hope this helps! Looking for more inspiration? Check out our full collection of easy eco swaps here.

What’s the easiest swap you made to live more sustainably? Let us know in the comments below and help our community.

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